Project Approval Lifecycle (PAL) Information Technology (IT) Projects

Below is a list of proposed IT Projects that are currently in the PAL review and approval process with the California Department of Technology (CDT). For purposes of this list “PAL Stage” refers to the last document officially submitted to CDT.

Projects are removed from this list when they exit the PAL process because: 1) the Agency/state entity receives CDT’s approval to begin project implementation; 2) CDT approves a Project Delegation Request; 3) the Agency/state entity withdraws the project; or 4) the CDT denies the project approval.

3900-080 Fiscal Services Division Fee Collection and Invoice Management System (FSD FCIMS)

A new internal system for the Accounting and Budget Programs (FSD) will manage invoices, payments, customer databases, reconciliation, and reporting. This system will integrate with existing programs and generate output files for FI$Cal upload, enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and mitigating the risk of backlogs, excessive staff hours, and additional manual processing.

No data available

Website Accessibility Certification

20240624.1 - Release-59