Below is a list of proposed IT Projects that are currently in the PAL review and approval process with the California Department of Technology (CDT). For purposes of this list “PAL Stage” refers to the last document officially submitted to CDT.
Projects are removed from this list when they exit the PAL process because: 1) the Agency/state entity receives CDT’s approval to begin project implementation; 2) CDT approves a Project Delegation Request; 3) the Agency/state entity withdraws the project; or 4) the CDT denies the project approval.
Agency | Department | Project Number | Project Name | Project Est. Start Date |
Criticality Rating | PAL Stage |
HHSA | Health Care Services, Department of | 4260-251 | Advancing Interoperability and Prior Authorizations Project (AIPA) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
HHSA | Public Health, Department of | 4265-088 | Emergency Preparedness Office (EPO) Receiving, Staging and Storing (RSS) Warehouse Supply Chain Management Solution (RSS SCM) | 05/01/2025 | Low | Stage 2 |
EPA | Water Resources Control Board, State | 3940-112 | SB 3 Water Protection Shut Off Act (SB 3) | Not Available | Low | Stage 1 |
EPA | Water Resources Control Board, State | 3940-111 | California Environmental Regulatory Data Security Initiative (CERDSI) | Not Available | Low | Stage 1 |
EPA | Water Resources Control Board, State | 3940-109 | Water Use Objective Report (WUOR) | Not Available | Low | Stage 1 |
EPA | Water Resources Control Board, State | 3940-108 | Data Modernization to Support the Directives in the Water Supply Strategy (WSS) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
EPA | Water Resources Control Board, State | 3940-105 | WaterTAP (WT) | 07/01/2025 | Medium | Stage 2 |
LWDA | Employment Development Department | 7100-234 | California Job Opening Browse System Modernization (CalJOBS) | 09/08/2025 | Medium | Stage 3 |
LWDA | Employment Development Department | 7100-222 | EDDNext: Integrated Claims Management System / Integrated Data Management (ICMS/IDM) | 06/24/2025 | High | Stage 3 |
Gen Gov | Food and Agriculture, Department of | 8570-089 | Emerging Threats 2 (ET2) | 05/01/2024 | High | Stage 3 |
TRANS | Transportation, Department of | 2660-546 | California Advanced Transportation Management System (CATMS) | 02/14/2023 | Medium | Stage 3 |
GovOps | Technology, Department of | 7502-006 | Cal-Secure Risk Management Project (Cal Secure) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
TRANS | Transportation, Department of | 2660-547 | Enterprise Data Governance Technology Solution (EDGTS) | 07/02/2024 | Medium | Stage 3 |
TRANS | Motor Vehicles, Department of | 2740-231 | Mobile Driver's License Pilot (mDL) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
HHSA | Public Health, Department of | 4265-076 | Future Disease Surveillance System Project (FDSS) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 2 |
Elect | Controller, State | 0840-086 | California State Payroll System Project (CSPS) | 07/05/2022 | High | Stage 3 |
HHSA | Aging, Department of | 4170-020 | California Aging Disability Web Portal (CADWP) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
Gen Gov | Food and Agriculture, Department of | 8570-095 | CDFA Licensing and Payment Portal (LPP) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
NRA | Parks and Recreation, Department of | 3790-067 | Digital Evidence Management System (DEMS) | 07/01/2023 | Medium | Stage 1 |
HHSA | Social Services, Department of | 5180-219 | State Verification Hub (Hub) | Not Available | Low | Stage 1 |
HHSA | Public Health, Department of | 4265-080 | California Immunization Registry 3 (CAIR3) | 01/01/2025 | Low | Stage 2 |
GovOps | General Services, Department of | 7760-322 | OAH New Case Management System (OAHCMS) | Not Available | Low | Stage 1 |
HHSA | Developmental Services, Department of | 4300-064 | Developmental Services Modernization Project (DSMP) | 12/01/2025 | Medium | Stage 1 |
NRA | Fish and Wildlife, Department of | 3600-081 | Environmental Review and Permitting Project (ERPP) | 01/07/2025 | Medium | Stage 4 |
BCSH | Department of Cannabis Control | 1115-003 | Cannabis Law Enforcement Activity Tracking System (CLEATS) | 09/18/2024 | Low | Stage 3 |
HHSA | Managed Health Care, Department of | 4150-034 | NIMBUS CAP Modernization (SB-858) | 01/03/2025 | Low | Stage 2 |
EPA | Air Resources Board, State | 3900-076 | Carbon Removal Project Portal (CRPP) | Not Available | Low | Stage 1 |
EPA | Air Resources Board, State | 3900-078 | Building Embodied Carbon Reporting Tool (BECRT) | 07/01/2026 | Low | Stage 2 |
HHSA | Public Health, Department of | 4265-086 | Lead-Based Paint Renovation, Repair, and Painting Certification Program (SB 1076) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
HHSA | Health Care Services, Department of | 4260-249 | HR+ Modernization (HR+ Mod) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
HHSA | Aging, Department of | 4170-021 | Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP) Case Management System | 09/08/2025 | Medium | Stage 2 |
N/A | High-Speed Rail Authority Office of the Inspector General | 2667-002 | OIG-HSR Whistleblower Complaint Receipt and Investigation System (WCRIS) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
Gen Gov | Public Utilities Commission | 8660-091 | Rail Inspection and Corrective Action Plan System (RICAPS) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
HHSA | Public Health, Department of | 4265-090 | California Integrated Vital Records System Enhancement (Cal IVRS) | Not Available | Low | Stage 1 |
EPA | Secretary for Environmental Protection | 0555-018 | California Environmental Reporting System Next Generation (CERS NextGen) | 05/21/2025 | Medium | Stage 2 |
HHSA | State Hospitals, Department of | 4440-126 | Continuum Electronic Health Record (EHR) | 11/01/2024 | High | Stage 3 |
HHSA | Social Services, Department of | 5180-228 | Childcare Connect (CC) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
LWDA | Industrial Relations, Department of | 7350-093 | EAMS Modernization (EAMS) | 06/19/2025 | High | Stage 3 |
HHSA | Emergency Medical Services Authority | 4120-016 | California Emergency Medical Advancement Project (CEMAP) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
Elect | Justice, Department of | 0820-228 | Firearms IT Systems Modernization (FITSM) | 01/04/2027 | High | Stage 2 |
HHSA | Social Services, Department of | 5180-213 | Facility Management System (FMS) | 08/30/2024 | Medium | Stage 3 |
HHSA | Aging, Department of | 4170-019 | Customers Holistic Aging Relationship Management Project (CHARM) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
NRA | Fish and Wildlife, Department of | 3600-078 | Master Observation Database System (MODS) | 12/28/2023 | High | Stage 3 |
BCSH | Consumer Affairs, Department of | 1111-006 | Business Modernization – California State Board of Pharmacy (BOP) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
HHSA | Health Care Services, Department of | 4260-247 | Interoperability Project | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
HHSA | Social Services, Department of | 5180-227 | California Supporting Providers and Reaching Kids (CalSPARK) Core | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
HHSA | Public Health, Department of | 4265-083 | Office of Problem Gambling (OPG) Data Management Replacement System (DMS) Project | 08/04/2025 | Low | Stage 2 |
CDE | Department of Education - Headquarters | 6110-109 | California State Preschool Data Collection System (CAPSDAC) Project | Not Available | Low | Stage 1 |
BCSH | Department of Cannabis Control | 1115-002 | Laboratory Information Management System Replacement (LIMSR) | 12/06/2024 | Low | Stage 2 |
Elect | Governor’s Office of Land Use and Climate Innovation | 0650-018 | Modernization of the Environmental Notice and Document System (MENDS) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
GovOps | Technology, Department of | 7502-021 | CalTABS Modernization | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
NRA | Forestry and Fire Protection, Department of | 3540-046 | CAL FIRE Aviation Tracking and Information System (CATIS) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
EPA | Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, Office of | 3980-004 | Statewide Extreme Heat Ranking System web/mobile application (Heat Ranking System App) AB 2238 | Not Available | Low | Stage 1 |
EPA | Water Resources Control Board, State | 3940-110 | California Wetlands and Riparian Area Protection Portal (CalWRAPP) previously Dredge/Fill | Not Available | Low | Stage 1 |
NRA | Forestry and Fire Protection, Department of | 3540-045 | CAL FIRE Human Resource Data, Systems and Process Improvement (HRDSPI) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
TRANS | Pilot Commissioners for the Bays of San Francisco, San Pablo, and Suisun, Board of | 2670-002 | BOPC Information Technology Modernization Project (BOPC IT Mod) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
EPA | Air Resources Board, State | 3900-079 | Advanced Clean Cars (ACC) II ZEV Requirements Tracking System | Not Available | Low | Stage 1 |
N/A | High-Speed Rail Authority Office of the Inspector General | 2667-001 | OIG-HSR Audits and Reviews Software (ARS) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
GovOps | Human Resources, Department of | 7501-019 | CalHR HRIS | Not Available | Low | Stage 1 |
Gen Gov | Public Utilities Commission | 8660-098 | Communications Data Portal (CDP) | Not Available | Medium | |
CDE | Department of Education | 6100-112 | School Employee Salary and Benefits Data Collection (SESBDC) | Not Available | Medium | |
BCSH | Department of Financial Protection and Innovation | 1701-002 | Enterprise Systems Modernization (ESM) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
TRANS | Transportation, Department of | 2660-549 | California Transportation Improvement Program System (CTIPS) Replacement | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
NRA | San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission | 3820-001 | BCDC Regulatory Management System (RMS) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
GovOps | Franchise Tax Board | 7730-223 | Fraud, Analysis & Detection Solution Revise (FADSR) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
GovOps | Franchise Tax Board | 7730-222 | Mainframe Workload Growth 2026/27 (MFWG 26/27) | Not Available | Low | Stage 1 |
HHSA | Public Health, Department of | 4265-081 | Centralized Application Branch Online Project (CAB Online) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
HHSA | Managed Health Care, Department of | 4150-038 | Electronic Filing and Analysis of Claims Settlement Data (eFACS) | Not Available | Low | Stage 1 |
Elect | Secretary of State | 0890-053 | Notary Automation Project 2.0 (NAP 2.0) | 10/21/2025 | Medium | Stage 2 |
HHSA | Public Health, Department of | 4265-092 | Maternal Child and Adolescent Health - Financial, Contracts and Operations System (MCAH FCOS) | Not Available | Low | Stage 1 |
TRANS | Transportation, Department of | 2660-548 | Bridge Management System (BMS) | Not Available | Low | Stage 1 |
HHSA | Social Services, Department of | 5180-232 | SUN Bucks Solution (SBS) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
HHSA | Managed Health Care, Department of | 4150-036 | Identity and Access Management (IDAM) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
HHSA | Public Health, Department of | 4265-094 | Animal Testing Methods Web Portal (AB 357) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
Elect | Justice, Department of | 0820-230 | Assembly Bill (AB) 528: Controlled Substance Utilization Review and Evaluation System (AB 528 CURES) | Not Available | Low | |
HHSA | Developmental Services, Department of | 4300-063 | Clinical Facilities Software - Electronic Health Record (CFS-EHR) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
HHSA | Social Services, Department of | 5180-226 | Care Provider Management System (CPMS) | Not Available | Low | Stage 1 |
NRA | Conservation, Department of | 3480-052 | Division of Mine Reclamation SMARA-4 | 01/01/2025 | Medium | Stage 2 |
HHSA | Child Support Services, Department of | 5175-010 | SupportConnect Mobile Application (SCMA - 2022) | Not Available | Low | Stage 1 |
Gen Gov | Food and Agriculture, Department of | 8570-097 | Glassy-Wing Sharpshooter Trapping Application (GWSS) | Not Available | Medium | |
HHSA | Managed Health Care, Department of | 4150-035 | Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Modernization (CRM Mod) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
TRANS | Motor Vehicles, Department of | 2740-240 | California Identifications for All, Assembly Bill 1766 (CA IDs AB 1766) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
HHSA | Emergency Medical Services Authority | 4120-019 | Electronic Central Registry and Case Management Modernization (ECRCMM) | Not Available | Low | Stage 1 |
HHSA | State Hospitals, Department of | 4440-130 | CONREP Operations Data and Support System (CODSS) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
EPA | Air Resources Board, State | 3900-080 | Fiscal Services Division Fee Collection and Invoice Management System (FSD FCIMS) | Not Available | Low | Stage 1 |
CDE | Department of Education | 6100-111 | Enterprise Grant Management System (EGMS) | Not Available | Medium | |
EPA | Air Resources Board, State | 3900-081 | Low Carbon Fuel Standard Information and Operations Nexus (LION) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
GovOps | Human Resources, Department of | 7501-021 | SharePoint Migration (SPM) | Not Available | Low | Stage 1 |
BCSH | Department of Cannabis Control | 1115-005 | Cannabis Systems Integration (CSI) | Not Available | Medium | Stage 1 |
Total Active : 89 |
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