Below is a list of proposed IT Projects that are currently in the PAL review and approval process with the California Department of Technology (CDT). For purposes of this list “PAL Stage” refers to the last document officially submitted to CDT.
Projects are removed from this list when they exit the PAL process because: 1) the Agency/state entity receives CDT’s approval to begin project implementation; 2) CDT approves a Project Delegation Request; 3) the Agency/state entity withdraws the project; or 4) the CDT denies the project approval.
Assembly Bill (AB) 1766 (Secretary of State (SOS), chapter 482, Statues of 2022) requires the California (CA) Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to, no later than July 1, 2027, begin issuing original and renewal identification (ID) cards to individuals who are unable to submit satisfactory proof that their presence in the United States (U.S.) is authorized under federal law. These individuals would need to provide satisfactory proof of identity and California residency. Furthermore, this bill would clarify that documents provided by an applicant, to prove age or identity, are not public records and are prohibited from disclosure except as necessary to comply with an order, warrant, or subpoena, issued by a court.
No data available
20240624.1 - Release-59