Independent Project Oversight Report (IPOR) Rating

7100-237 Document Management System (DMS)

The EDD has analyzed a variety of existing software solutions used for its existing imaging, data capture, electronic file submissions, document storage, and retrieval services infrastructure. The proposed vendor solutions must provide the capability to develop processes that are streamlined, scalable, and flexible for variable workloads. The solution features should support the deployment of new configurable, scalable, and robust software for imaging paper and electronic submissions as well as efficiently process defined business workflows. The DMS project will provide foundational capabilities necessary to support EDD modernization and GovOps Strike team recommendations.

Project Details

Agency / State Entity Labor and Workforce Development / Employment Development Department
Total Cost $106,171,267
Last Approved Start Date 06/17/2024
Last Approved Finish Date 06/30/2027
Criticality Rating Medium
IPOR Reporting Period Overall IPOR Rating
12/01/2024 - 12/31/2024

Key Questions

Is the project on track to satisfy the customer's business objectives?Yes

Is the project on track to achieve the objectives in the approved timeframe?Uncertain

Is the project on track to achieve the objectives within the approved budget?Uncertain

Project Overall Health Comments
Due to a lower than expected sprint velocity the user story backlog is increasing. The Project Team needs to develop a full requirements traceability matrix for Release. The project schedule lacks resource loading with state individuals, and the project lacks a dedicated scheduler. The Project Team has begun following the Quality Management Plan as it relates to code, configuration, and testing reviews. Sample testing has yet to start.
Focus Area/Rating Comments

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The IPO Manager reviewed the Governance Management plan and the Scope and Change Management plan to ensure decision making and change processes are being followed by the DMS Project team. The IPO Manager will schedule additional meetings with the DMS team in January 2025 to better understand the overlap of Release 1 and Release 2, and if there is a need for a change request related to state resources (business and IT).
Time Management

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o Backlogged User Stories: There is a risk that the two (2) additional sprints added to Release 1 to address the growing backlog of user stories may not be sufficient, thus the revised Release 1 go-live date could push out even further. o Project Schedule Availability: The project is currently in Sprint 4 (12/9/24 - 1/10/25) out of a total of 9 Sprints (for Release 1) without a finalized schedule. Once the finalized schedule is delivered it will be baselined which will enable the project team to track and control progress, identify delays, and ensure milestones are met. o Parallel Execution: The addition of the two sprints will cause the final sprints in Release 1 to overlap with the initial sprints in Release 2. Parallel development execution will be monitored to ensure there are no resource conflicts which could impact the schedule.
Cost & Contract Management

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COST MANAGEMENT The IPO Manager met with the DMS team and discussed some of the missing costs reported in the December PSR. The IPO Manager was informed that some of the costs will be updated after the invoices are submitted by the vendor. Additional meetings will be scheduled with the DMS project team to discuss the FAW’s and the PSR report. The PSR report should only include costs consumed by the DMS project. CONTRACT MANAGEMENT The IPO will continue to monitor the DMS Project contract management process. The EDD DMS Contract Manager has been working with the System Integrator (SI) team to ensure that the DED’s and Deliverables are on schedule and are being reviewed by multiple sources.
Scope Management

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The DMS Project Team leverages a Jira plug-in module called Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM) to ensure the scope of the project is met. o Traceability Mapping Timing: Story-to-Requirement mapping on a sprint-by-sprint basis in Release 1 creates a risk as there may be insufficient time to address the potential late discovery of missing requirement(s). o Traceability Missing Versions: In the RTM tool, most Release 1 requirements are missing a Release Version resulting in an incomplete traceability analysis. o Traceability Requirement Attributes: In order to support ad hoc traceability analysis beyond what is capable with the RTM module, additional attributes need to be added to the Release 1 requirements. The project team has agreed to address the three (3) issues by 1/31/25.

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o Resource Loading: The project schedule is not fully loaded with individual state resources which is an industry best practice to ensure resources are not over allocated which could impact the schedule. o Scheduler: The project team needs a dedicated scheduler focused solely on managing the schedule.

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The Quality section has been changed, and the risk level was reduced from “Yellow” to “Green” based on the following changes implemented by the DMS Project. 1. The DMS Product Manager and Technical Leads have started to perform quality reviews as stated in the Quality Management plan. 2. During the Sprint 4, the DMS Technical Leads and Product Manager reviewed Unit Testing and System Integration Testing (SIT) scripts and actual test results. 3. During the Sprint 4, the technical team scheduled code and configuration reviews as stated in the approved Quality Management Plan. Multiple knowledge transfer sessions have been setup over the next six months and CDT and IV&V team members have been invited to the sessions. 4. As of Sprint 4, Unit Test Scripts are being documented and shared with the project team in JIRA, and functional defects are being created and tracked. 5. User stories are being marked as “Done” by the EDD Product Manager and the Technical Leads, and not by the Deloitte Leads or the Scrum Master. 6. The IPO manager was informed that the QA/QC listed in the PSR report is meant for specialized testing like performance testing and end-to-end integration testing, and not for overall Quality reviews of the development life cycle. The description of the contract will be updated.
Risk And Issues

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The IPO manager has observed the DMS project team create risks and convert risks to issues, as well as close out risks and issues. The team appears to be following the processes outlined in the Risk and Issue Management Plan.
Transition Readiness

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A DRAFT of the Transition Plan is scheduled to be delivered to on 1/27/25, and the FINAL version delivered on 2/24/25. Once received, the plans will be reviewed, and an update provided in an upcoming IPOR report.
Conditions For Approval

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CDT Conditional Approval – Stage 4 • Resource Loaded Project Schedule The Project Schedule will be reviewed and commented on in the January 2025 IPOR.
Corrective Action

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Comments about Corrective Action Plan Items • N/A

Currently unavailable

; Website Accessibility Certification

2025-01-23 - Release-8