The SCO proposes to replace UPD’s current business software applications to provide essential upgrades and improvements to its fraud detection and prevention capabilities. In addition, the new system will automate the manual and paper-based processes at UPD with a single, secure, integrated system. The software under consideration for replacement includes Clearview Connect (UPS2000) and all its related programs and executables, HRS Pro, MyClaims Report, the online “shopping cart” system, and UPD Report Manager. Additionally, there are numerous legacy and Access databases, SharePoint Lists, and spreadsheets used to perform key tasks, including the ARU (Additional Research Unit) Assignment Tracking Log, the Claims Requirement Checklist (CRL), the Fraud Database, and the local area network (LAN) Accountability database. The new system will promote greater financial integrity through the new system's enhanced accounting, improved fraud detection and prevention, better tools for verification of rightful owner claims, and increased capabilities for management of securities and reconciliation of settlements. Currently, several of UPD’s key business processes are managed using separate software applications that have limited or no integration. UPD staff perform other critical processes manually and in hardcopy. The replacement system will integrate the existing applications’ functionality under one system, automate current manual and hardcopy processes, and provide an end-to-end workflow for UPD’s key business processes. The new fully integrated system will improve processing times that will allow UPD to deliver its services more efficiently and effectively to holders, claimants, and external agencies.
Agency / State Entity | Legislative, Judicial, and Executive / Controller, State |
Total Cost | $13,423,616 |
Last Approved Start Date | 03/15/2024 |
Last Approved Finish Date | 03/14/2025 |
Criticality Rating | Medium |
IPOR Reporting Period | Overall IPOR Rating |
12/01/2024 - 12/31/2024 |
Key Questions
Is the project on track to satisfy the customer's business objectives?Yes
Is the project on track to achieve the objectives in the approved timeframe?Yes
Is the project on track to achieve the objectives within the approved budget?Yes
Project Overall Health | Comments |
The UPMSR Project is refining the project development and implementation methodology. With input from the solution vendor, the project management plans will be adjusted to ensure alignment with this methodology. The Project held the following meetings during this reporting period: IV&V/Team Meetings: 12/4/2024, 12/12/2024, Project Team Meetings: 12/3/2024, 12/10/2024, 12/17/2024, 12/31/2024 Change Control Meetings: 12/10/2024 Risk/Issue Meetings: 12/19/2024 Executive Steering Committee meeting: 12/19/2024 |
Focus Area/Rating | Comments |
Governance |
The Project has an approved Governance Management Plan. Established Governance processes are in place. The project has now scheduled recurring Executive Steering Committee (ESC) meetings to discuss scope, schedule, cost, and risks/issues with Steering committee members. |
Time Management |
The Project submitted a draft Integrated Master Schedule to CDT for review as required by the approval conditions. The CDT IPOR has reviewed the schedule and has no comments and will use the submitted schedule as the baseline to track the progress of the project. The Time Management Focus Area rating is Green but trending Yellow as the project is experiencing delays in meeting previously approved key milestones. The implementation date was moved from 3/15/2025 to 4/6/2025 resulting in a 5.8% slippage to the approved schedule. |
Cost & Contract Management |
The Project has Contract and Cost Management Plans on file with CDT. However, the team is working to refine the Cost Management Plan as a condition of Project approval. The team has appropriate contract management processes in place to monitor and evaluate vendor performance. The project is currently tracking within approved costs, with no deviations reported. |
Scope Management |
The team is working to refine the project Scope Management Plan on file to meet the project approval conditions. The Project will submit the updated plan to CDT IPO for review. Established change management processes are in place. New and current Change Requests are routinely discussed during monthly recurring meetings. During the Discovery Phase, the project team identified 15 interfaces that were not included in the SI contract SOW. The project has a change request with the solution vendor in place to Include 15 interfaces in the SI contract deliverable. |
Resources |
The Project has a Human Resource and Staffing Management Plan on file with CDT. The project is actively managing the assigned resources. The project has indicated it has adequate staffing with appropriate skills to meet all project needs. |
Quality |
The Project submitted a draft Master Test Plan to CDT as a condition of project approval. The CDT IPO reviewed the plan and has no comments. |
Risk And Issues |
The project team is refining the Risk and Issue Management Plans with input from the SI vendor. Additionally, the team conducts regular project risk and issue management meetings. The CDT IPO is currently monitoring the team’s approach to finalizing the project development and implementation methodology. |
Transition Readiness |
The Project has a draft Maintenance and Operations Transition Management Plan. However, the Project expects to submit a final revised plan for review six (6) months before the Project’s end date. |
Conditions For Approval |
The following are outstanding conditions for approval: within 90 days of Stage 4 approval, the SCO shall approve and submit the following updated plans to the CDT: Change Management Plan, Configuration Management Plan, Cost Management Plan, Data Management Plan, Implementation Management Plan, Schedule Management Plan, and Scope Management Plan. At least six months before the approved project end date, the SCO shall submit the UPMSR Maintenance and Operations Transition Plan (including the plan for the transition of any services from the SI to the State) to the CDT for review and approval |
Corrective Action |
N/A |
2025-02-07 - Release-11