Independent Project Oversight Report (IPOR) Rating

3900-074 Clean Truck Check- Vehicle Inspection System (CTC-VIS)

The California Air Resources Board proposes to create a compliance database for the upcoming Heavy-Duty Inspection and Maintenance program to house and store vehicle inspection data and determine compliance with the program.

Project Details

Agency / State Entity Environmental Protection / Air Resources Board, State
Total Cost $43,542,164
Last Approved Start Date 06/01/2023
Last Approved Finish Date 10/31/2025
Criticality Rating High
IPOR Reporting Period Overall IPOR Rating
01/01/2025 - 01/31/2025

Key Questions

Is the project on track to satisfy the customer's business objectives?Yes

Is the project on track to achieve the objectives in the approved timeframe?Yes

Is the project on track to achieve the objectives within the approved budget?Yes

Project Overall Health Comments
The overall health of the project continued to be Green (satisfactory) based on observations in all focus areas. • The project cost and scope remained on track in the January reporting period, and the CTC-VIS team continued their work on Phase 2 and CR-7 Spring Release delivery. • The System Integrator (SI) contract (Ref: 22IT-MSCD003) amendment for realignment of the software licensing cost (the AWS transfer from the vendor cloud to the CDT cloud), ensuring vendor payments are made as per the executed (amended) contract is currently being worked on, although with slow progress due to staffing issues in the CARB Information Technology Procurement, Contract, and Reporting (ITPCR) section. The Independent Project Oversight (IPO) manager is monitoring this and does not see it as a concern yet, as all non-AWS-related vendor invoices are being processed. • The Independent Verification & Validation (IV&V) team members continued to be onboarded in January.
Focus Area/Rating Comments

green icon Green
This focus area remained Green (satisfactory) during January. • Regular meetings are conducted and documented well, with updates on project status. Required decisions are made in a timely manner and at the appropriate authority levels. .• The Program/business representatives are actively engaged and empowered to ensure that the project brings value to the program/business. • The IPO manager has no concern with the governance as there is open and transparent communication of project status to all stakeholders.
Time Management

green icon Green
This focus area remained Green (satisfactory) as the project is on track to meet sprint timelines for Phase 2 and CR-7 Spring Release. • The Phase 2 Release 2 project activities are continuing to progress as scheduled. • The CR-7 Spring Release activities are ongoing in parallel as planned. • The IPO Manager recommends updating the project schedule with activities/tasks assigned to individuals instead of project groups for better accountability and to identify resource constraints.
Cost & Contract Management

yellow icon Yellow
This focus area remained in Yellow (cautionary). • The System Integrator (SI) contract (22IT-MSCD003) amendment for the AWS transfer from the vendor cloud to the CDT cloud is delayed due to the staffing constraints in the CARB ITPCR section. • The IPO Manager recommended the project to ensure Work Order Authorizations (WOAs), Work Acceptance Documents (WADs), and the resulting invoice payments are all lined up with the executed amended contract. • The IPO Manager recommends using the most recent available data for cost reporting and closely monitoring actual costs to identify any variance early.
Scope Management

green icon Green
This focus area remained Green (satisfactory) as the Cross-discipline (i.e. Scrum) teams are established to plan and manage Phase 2 and CR-7 Spring Release sprint workload. • For CR-7 Spring Release the project ensured to establish detailed Deliverable Acceptance Criteria that include analysis, requirement traceability, defect management, security assessment, release readiness, and release notes. The IPO manager recommends keeping a close watch on the CR-7 parallel development effort to ensure it remains within the approved scope and capacity and identify risks early for mitigation. • The project is focusing on OBD device certification and referee processes, as well as continuing discussions on OBD infrastructure and file processing challenges. The IPO manager recommends keeping a close watch on the requirements to ensure early identification of any deviation that could require scope changes.

green icon Green
This focus area remained Green (satisfactory). • The Independent Verification and validation (IV&V) consultants continued to be onboarded in January. • The additional vendor resources for CR-7 effort have been onboarded. The IPO Manager recommends estimating and identifying required Program staff early to mitigate any staffing risks for the parallel effort. • The ITPCR section resource constraints are still ongoing. The IPO Manager will continue to track CTC-VIS Phase 2 contract management activities, to ensure they are not impacted by the ITPCR section staffing issues.

green icon Green
This focus area remained in Green (satisfactory) as the team continued to follow industry-level best practices for development and testing. • The project adheres to best test and defect management practices in all sprints with high test pass/low defect rates. The IPO Manager recommended creating a repository of defect resolutions that can be referred to when the State Information Technology (IT) staff takes over maintenance & operations (M&O). • The IPO Manager has noted that the onboarding of IV&V consultants has taken longer than expected. The project has been missing valuable technical oversight and risks missing early identification of issues. The IPO manager recommends adding the reasons for the delay in onboarding IV&V consultants to the Lessons Learned database to avoid similar situations in the future.
Risk And Issues

green icon Green
This focus area remained in Green (satisfactory) as the project risks and issues are tracked and monitored well. • No new risk or Issues were identified during this period. • The project has integrated risk management and risk responses into daily activities. Risk owners are responding timely to the risk initiation. • The project has an open Risk #46 for ITPCR staffing issues that may impact timely processing of CTC-VIS project contract management activities. • The IPO Manager recommended updating the risk summary with workload analysis details explaining the number of resources required versus those assigned to the ITPCR section.
Transition Readiness

green icon Green
This focus area remained in Green (satisfactory) as the program outreach and support activities continued to be effective in raising awareness of the SB210 regulation to bring fleets into the reporting system. • By the end of November, the outreach activities had resulted in over 730,000 vehicles registered in the CTC-VIS database, and generated revenue over $40 million from fees collection. • The IPO Manager continued to recommend starting the Knowledge Transfer (KT) activities early in the project by allowing CARB IT staff to job-shadow the vendor staff.
Conditions For Approval

green icon Green
This focus area remained Green (satisfactory) as the project reported plans are in progress for the migration of CARB Security Operations Center (SOC) to the CDT’s Security Operations Center as a Service (SoCaaS) by June 30, 2025. • The IPO Manager notes the requirement to migrate CARB SOC to the CDT SoCaaS was a condition attached to the CTC-VIS California Cloud Services Assessment (CCSA) approval. Therefore, for the purpose of tracking, this item will remain on the CTC-VIS project
Corrective Action

green icon Green
• There are no corrective action plan items.
; Website Accessibility Certification

2025-02-07 - Release-11