The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) proposes modernization of the Department’s legacy applications and systems. The modernization of DMV technology is critical to reduce reliance on obsolete, unsupported, and failing technology. This will transform and streamline DMV services delivery to Californians as well as providing DMV the ability to address current and evolving business objectives.
Agency / State Entity | Transportation / Motor Vehicles, Department of |
Total Cost | $414,676,034 |
Last Approved Start Date | 09/09/2021 |
Last Approved Finish Date | 06/30/2026 |
Criticality Rating | High |
IPOR Reporting Period | Overall IPOR Rating |
01/01/2025 - 01/31/2025 |
Key Questions
Is the project on track to satisfy the customer's business objectives?Uncertain
Is the project on track to achieve the objectives in the approved timeframe?No
Is the project on track to achieve the objectives within the approved budget?No
Project Overall Health | Comments |
During the January 2024 assessment period, the project’s overall health is yellow, based on observations and analysis of the project’s governance, time management, cost/contract, scope, resources, quality, and risk focus areas. Both Cost & Contract, as well as Quality, are trending red. Phase 1 OL: the team continued formal Knowledge Transfer. Phase 2 VR: Governance remained Yellow: the Human-Centered Design (HCD) Change Request (CR) was approved with limited scope; however, to get the work done, related System Integration Testing (SIT) and User Acceptance Testing (UAT) are scheduled to overlap the first six weeks of End to End (E2E) SIT, which is only 12 weeks long. Six project management plan updates are done and a few remain incomplete. At the end of January, the Project Director position remained unfilled. The Schedule focus area remained yellow. Both the SI vendor and DMV have been working hard to keep the Go Live date intact, but code Quality will need to improve to keep the schedule on track. The Control Cashiering/Inventory Management (CC/IM) workstream is yellow due to discovery being behind and the estimated timeline for development is not in alignment with the VR schedule. Cost and Contract Management is trending red as CDT has not seen the latest draft of SPR #2. Scope remains yellow and there is an open project risk for continued changes to design. The Risk/Issue management area remained yellow as CDT has observed situations where DMV is reluctant to create and manage risks. The Resources area remained green. Quality is trending red: DMV sent the SI vendor a formal request for a Corrective Action Plan to improve testing and there are eight open testing-related risks being managed by the team. Phase 3 DL: CDT reviewed and provided comments to the draft SPR #2 and is awaiting the final version, which will need to detail the direction and approach of the Phase 3 effort. |
Focus Area/Rating | Comments |
Governance |
During the January 2024 assessment period, the project’s Governance Management health remained yellow, based on observations and analysis of the project’s governance processes. • In November, the DMV asked the SI vendor to estimate a change request (CR) to incorporate Human Centered Design (HCD) recommendations from an ancillary contract. In January, DMV approved the CR but related SIT and UAT testing will overlap the first six weeks of E2E SIT. This overlap will introduce a high degree of risk and CDT recommends the team add a project-level risk and take the time to develop associated mitigation steps. • CDT continues to observe different PM practices across workstreams and continues to recommend DMV run DxP as a program with extra focus on interdependencies. • No replacement was named in January for the Project Director. • The SI vendor indicated all major CR’s need to be signed by the end of December to be incorporated for next year’s Go Live. DMV made a determination on them in mid-January and communicated the delay with the vendor. DMV was informed that there would not be an impact to the Go Live date. |
Time Management |
During the January 2024 assessment period, the project’s Time/Schedule Management health remained yellow based on observations and analysis of the Project Schedule Milestones and Deliverables. • Design for Iteration 3 & 4, which has seventy-two transactions, had a planned end date of 9/6/2024. In November, the team agreed to make up the Iteration 3 start delay by slipping Iteration 2 SIT by two weeks. The team declared Design complete in early December, however, replanned Design due dates for exceptions continue to be missed. At month’s end, Design was complete with 3 technical design docs outstanding, but two were approved the first week of February. There’s one TDD remaining and all outstanding Interface Control Documents were approved. Once the TDD is complete, CDT recommends the team take time to celebrate this major accomplishment. • Both the SI vendor and DMV have been working hard to keep the Go Live date intact, but code Quality will need to improve to keep the schedule on track. • CC/IM is yellow due to discovery being behind and the estimated timeline is not in alignment with the VR schedule. The team is working on a path to green. • Iteration 4 Development started 1/27/2025, eight widgets are developed so far. • The VR go-live date is scheduled for 11/17/2025. The DMV worked on mitigation plans to reduce the impact of several DMV scope items (CLPI Development, FTB Interface Design, and Dishonored Check Interface Design) that were causing a three-week delay to the schedule forecast. Those workstreams are no longer causing a projected schedule slip, but there is a five-day projected delay. • Thirty transactions are in scope for Iteration 2. User Acceptance Testing (UAT) slipped two weeks to 2/7/25 and the team status for the activity is Red. |
Cost & Contract Management |
During the January 2024 assessment period, the project’s Cost & Contract Management health remains yellow, but is trending red, based on observations and analysis of the project’s costs and contracts. • The draft SPR #2 requested an increase to total project costs of 60%. An updated Financial Analysis Worksheet (FAW) was also submitted for preliminary review and a walkthrough was held between DMV and CDT in November. The final version of SPR #2 has not been submitted and needs to align with any spring budget action. • The draft SPR #2 requested the Transitional Architecture work morph from an architecture POC to a full deployment for two transactions; the associated contract needs a Contract Amendment and an NCB to align with the SPR. • The IBC Refactor and Master Receipts workstreams are being billed under an unrelated contract. • At DMV’s request, the SI Vendor submitted a CR to incorporate HCD user experience improvements. The CR was reviewed during the Steering Committee meeting on January 10th, 2025 and the committee limited the impact by focusing on high-value transactions. The cost for the CR was relatively small. |
Scope Management |
During the January 2024 assessment period, the project’s Scope Management health remained yellow, based on observations and analysis of the project’s scope and related processes. • DMV submitted a draft of SPR #2 to address DL changes in November. During December, CDT and DMV met to address questions and concerns. DMV worked on updating the SPR #2 during January, but did not submit an update to CDT. • The VR SI vendor and DMV are managing minor scope changes through the CR process. Major changes are also being managed, but the window of opportunity to approve larger changes closed in January. • Change requests 21 and 24 were approved during January. • The Change Control Process is experiencing some challenges: at month’s end, CR0018 design was Awaiting Review/Approval. It was due 1/28/2025. DMV submitted a new CR, CR0026 on 1/31, with the request that it make Go Live. There is an open risk for continued changes to design, which will delay the project if CR’s aren’t contained and prioritized. DMV requested that risk be closed, but CDT recommends the team evaluate upgrading it to an issue. |
Resources |
During the January 2024 assessment period, the project’s Resources health remains green. • The CDT recommends the DMV promptly complete the recruitment process for the new DMV Project Director. • The team continues to need 17 out of 90 resources for FY 24/25, an 19% vacancy rate, but continues to focus on hiring and onboarding new staff. The team filled some vacant positions with consultants. • No tool is currently being used by DMV for Resource Management or to manage staff capacity but the DMV has shared a report used for filling vacancies. • The DMV team has refined the FTEs necessary for VR and DL and has provided a draft update of new FAWs, which are being reconciled during the DL Stage 4 and DXP SPR #2 submission. |
Quality |
During the January 2024 assessment period, the project’s Quality Management health is yellow, trending red, based on observations and analysis of Quality metrics and performance. CDT observes that quality is being monitored and metrics reported. • On January 29, the DMV sent the SI vendor a formal request for a Corrective Action Plan to improve testing. • There are 8 open testing-related risks being managed by the team. • Internal project status on Iteration 2 UAT is Red. • After the end date was pushed out two weeks to 2/7/25, Iteration 2 UAT made progress. For the week ending 1/24/25, the Pass rate percentage was only 68%; but a week later, at month’s end, Execution was at 96% with a Pass rate of 79%. • For Iteration 3 SIT, testing started 1/20/25. The team has executed 25% of their test cases with a pass rate of only 39%. Iteration 3 SIT will continue until 3/7/25. • CDT observed that Iteration 3 SIT started without identified automated test scripts. This seems to violate SIT entrance criteria; however, we observed potential Iteration 3 automation test cases did become ready for review by 1/31/25. CDT recommends DMV review and enforce the SI vendor contract, which spells out entry/exit criteria. |
Risk And Issues |
During the January 2024 assessment period, the project’s Risk and Issue health is yellow based on observations and analysis of the project’s risks, issues, and associated processes. • CDT recommends a culture shift to embrace risk management as a best practice. Mature organizations find the sweet spot to risk management and encourage early risk identification and management. DMV should be proactive about risk management to minimize the number of issues. • CDT sees the biggest risks at this time as incorporating late CRs, code quality issues, external dependencies such as the business partners, and the Phase 3 DL funding, schedule, and cost. |
Transition Readiness |
During the January 2024 assessment period, the project’s Transition Readiness health is green based on observations and analysis of the Transition activities performed. • Phase 1 OL Knowledge Transfer between the SI vendor and the state staff continued in January. • During January, the Organizational Change Management (OCM) team and the Training team completed multiple activities including developing February Change Leader Engagement Material and continued development of Iteration 3 Training Materials. • The team also hosted the January Business Leader meeting, conducted LDB and TTT collaboration meetings and distributed the Readiness Assessment #2 survey report. • The DMV has assigned resources to work on the OCM and Training for DMV-owned scope. |
Conditions For Approval |
The CDT Project Approvals and Oversight (PAO) team observed the DXP Team previously completed all three approval conditions for DXP Phase 1 – OL. With the SPR #1 approval, two new Conditions for Approval of DXP Phase 2 - VR, CC/IM were required by CDT. Both conditions have been met. |
Corrective Action |
PAO has issued no corrective actions for the project. |
2025-02-07 - Release-11