Independent Project Oversight Report (IPOR) Rating

5180-221 Housing and Homelessness Data Reporting Solution (HHDRS)

The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) proposes a single data software solution that will collect and integrate client-level data for the five CDSS Housing and Homeless programs. This would replace the current process of collecting data manually on MS Excel spreadsheets for all five programs and allow both counties and CDSS to more readily assess program performance in regard to statutorily required data elements as well as streamline data collection processes with the ultimate goal of maximizing program impact.

Project Details

Agency / State Entity Health and Human Services / Social Services, Department of
Total Cost $3,832,512
Last Approved Start Date 07/01/2024
Last Approved Finish Date 04/25/2025
Criticality Rating Medium
IPOR Reporting Period Overall IPOR Rating
12/01/2024 - 12/31/2024

Key Questions

Is the project on track to satisfy the customer's business objectives?Yes

Is the project on track to achieve the objectives in the approved timeframe?Yes

Is the project on track to achieve the objectives within the approved budget?Yes

Project Overall Health Comments
The overall health of the project remains Green. The project is effectively managing all focus areas and aligns with the baseline and project plans. The project is on schedule and within budget.
Focus Area/Rating Comments

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The project’s Governance practice aligns with the current approved Governance plan and are effective. The project team holds weekly status meetings for the project. The project team is established and empowered to plan and manage workload. The project team has met with the Executive Steering Committee members this month and has focused on disseminating status on scope, product, risks, and issues.
Time Management

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The project’s time management remains Green based on identified milestones for this reporting period and expected progress in the schedule. Deliverable 3 acceptance was pushed back twenty-seven (27) days to December 30, 2024. This new due date was met and Deliverable 3 was accepted on December 30, 2024. Deliverable 4 acceptance was moved back three (3) days to December 30, 2024. This new date was met and Deliverable 4 was accepted on December 30, 2024. The end date for the project implementation remains on track for 4/25/25 with these changes to Deliverables 3 and 4.
Cost & Contract Management

green icon Green
Baseline costs have been finalized through the Project Approval Lifecycle Stage 4. Project has spent approximately 54% of the total One-time project cost through the end of December 2024. This is for the CDSS staff costs, the CDT Independent Project Oversight (IPO) costs, payment for Deliverables 1 through 4, and the Licenses needed for the first year. Costs are within the baseline set in the Financial Analysis Worksheets in the Stage 4 approval. Discussions and decisions on licensing costs and start dates have been finalized in early December. System Admin License and User License costs have been included with Deliverable 4 and user license billing will start December 30, 2024. Costs have been updated to include the licenses. Deliverable Acceptance Documents 3 and 4 were signed by the CDSS on December 30, 2024. Payment made to the vendor for the Deliverables is reflected in the project budget.
Scope Management

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Scope change control practice aligns with the Scope Management plan and are being effectively controlled. Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined. No changes to scope are currently requested or approved. System testing has been conducted on the Apricot 360 platform in December 2024. This system testing includes security and stress testing to ensure safety of data and system stabilization are at levels required by the CDSS. Vendor and project team have agreed to a process change of adding specific requirements through the Requirements Traceability Matrix to each Deliverable Expectation and Deliverable Acceptance Documents.

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The project team is actively managing its resources both from the state and vendor level. Project team has appropriately scheduled time with adequate and proper resources to attend feedback sessions to ensure accurate communication and input is provided to the vendor. Resources have been notified of upcoming User Acceptance Testing beginning in December 2024. Users have been selected from various counties and programs to ensure variance in program need and information technology knowledge levels. County and state users have been very eager to join and are available when needed to run through testing. Testing will continue into January 2025.

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Project team has given clear guidance to the vendor on expected results and processes for the new programs as well as reporting requirements for each business program. Feedback continues to be gathered and presented to the vendor. The Configuration and Development have begun with both the project team and the vendor working very closely to ensure all requirements are met and traced back to objectives. Project team is working to resolve any open questions from these working sessions in a timely manner and in alignment with the project goals and CDSS Leadership direction.
Risk And Issues

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Risks and issues are being actively identified, monitored, managed, and tracked on the project at this time. Project team is adhering to the risk and issue monitoring and resolution practices identified in the Risk and Issues Management Plan. During this period, the IPO Manager has observed the project team has focused on mitigating risks and addressing issues. No new issues have been identified for the December 2024 reporting period.
Transition Readiness

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Training rollout for internal admin staff on the Apricot 360 platform is ongoing. These sessions constitute eleven (11) total weeks of training. Admin staff within the CDSS have completed most training available to them at this time. This training was started prior to the full training in Deliverable 7, per the vendor’s recommendation. The HHDRS project team agreed with this approach of training early for the highest-role users. UAT has begun in December 2024 and will continue into January 2025. This training was valuable during working sessions between the vendor and project team. The HHD staff that have completed training were well prepared for the system configuration working sessions. Project is documenting lessons learned as items are identified and resolved.
Conditions For Approval

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The Project Approval Letter Stage 4 was approved with the following conditions: Within thirty (30) days after the System Integrator contract is signed, the project staff shall submit to the CDT the following draft project management plans: 1. Configuration Management plan 2. Data Management plan 3. Implementation Management plan 4. Maintenance and Operations Transition Management plan Within sixty (60) days after the System Integrator contract is signed, the project staff shall submit to the CDT the following final project management plans: 1. Configuration Management plan 2. Data Management plan 3. Implementation Management plan 4. Maintenance and Operations Transition Management plan The project has met the required final submission date for the four (4) project management plans on August 23, 2024, one day ahead of the required August 24, 2024, due date. With this submission of the final plans, the conditions have been met.
Corrective Action

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No corrective action plans are in place at this time.

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2025-01-23 - Release-8