DIR proposes to acquire an integrated online system for its Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH), better known as “Cal/OSHA”. The new system will support customizable workflow and reporting, more readily adapt to business needs and provide better management of the data flowing between Cal/OSHA and the Federal OSHA Information System (OIS).
Agency / State Entity | Labor and Workforce Development / Industrial Relations, Department of |
Total Cost | $99,993,483 |
Last Approved Start Date | 06/27/2024 |
Last Approved Finish Date | 10/31/2027 |
Criticality Rating | Medium |
IPOR Reporting Period | Overall IPOR Rating |
01/01/2025 - 01/31/2025 |
Key Questions
Is the project on track to satisfy the customer's business objectives?Yes
Is the project on track to achieve the objectives in the approved timeframe?Yes
Is the project on track to achieve the objectives within the approved budget?Yes
Project Overall Health | Comments |
The Project Overall Health status remained satisfactory. The project sponsor provided quality review feedback on the gaps identified in the Enforcement and Consultation functional area user stories. Based on their feedback the project is considering revising the project schedule with the intention the new integrated master schedule will remain aligned with the contract timeline and budget. The project continued to conduct Requirements Validation (RV) sessions for other units of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH). |
Focus Area/Rating | Comments |
Governance |
The Governance Management focus area remained satisfactory: • The Project management team conducted the monthly Executive Steering Committee (ESC) meetings. • The Team developed the Project Governance Plan. • The Independent Project Oversight (IPO) Manager recommended updating the Governance Plan with the intersection of the enterprise level Data Governance Plan. |
Time Management |
The Time Management focus area remained satisfactory: • The SI submitted a project schedule with tasks detailed for Release 1; other releases are detailed at milestone level. • Based on the discussions with the business stakeholders the project team is considering revising the project schedule, with an expectation that the revised schedule will continue to remain within the contract timeline. • Schedule presumes sprint 0 (zero) to start on February 3, 2025. This date may be revised, contingent upon Deliverable 3 (Build, Test and Deploy for Release 1) review. |
Cost & Contract Management |
The Cost & Contract Management focus area remained satisfactory: • The project is currently reviewing tools recommended by the SI for procurement. • The DIR Budget Team worked with the Department of Finance (DOF) to understand the approach for monthly reporting of staff salaries and benefits in the Project Status Report (PSR). • The IPO Manager observed that currently the CalOSHA contract is managed by the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) Assistant Chief Information Officer (CIO). • The IPO Manager recommended that the contract manager role cannot be combined with project management or other roles within the organization. |
Scope Management |
The Scope Management focus area remained satisfactory: • The project is making some course corrections based on the feedback received from the Program area stakeholders after the review of User stories and Process flows. • The project decided to update User Stories based on discussions with the Executive sponsor. • The SI developed draft version of Deliverable 3 (Build, Test and Deploy for Release 1). |
Resources |
The Resource Management focus area remained satisfactory: • The project continued to recruit five (5) positions for Division of Occupational and Safety Health (DOSH) and 17 Information Technology (IT) positions for FY24-25. • All these resources are for CalOSHA. The funds come out of CalOSHA budget. • The DIR CIO communicated that DIR plans to hire a contract manager using the available Budget Change Proposal (BCP) position for Information Technology Specialist 1 (ITS1). |
Quality |
The Quality Management focus area remained satisfactory: • The IPO Manager observed that the IV&V team developed deliverable templates, monthly Management Plan and work plans. • The SI vendor submitted Deliverable 3 (DED 3) for DIR’s review. • The IPO Manager recommended the Project Management (PM) team develop a deliverable review process for ongoing deliverables review with the project and program stakeholders, track them to Deliverable Acceptance Documents (DADs), SI invoices, and payments. |
Risk And Issues |
The Risks and Issue Management area remained satisfactory • The project developed a detailed Risk Management Plan. • The IPO Manager reviewed the Risk Management Plan and recommended updates to multiple risk fields. • The IPO Manager made recommendation for refining the Risk Statement by capturing potential problem, risk, and its impact on the project. |
Transition Readiness |
The Transition Readiness area remained in Green status (satisfactory: • This focus area was not addressed during this period. |
Conditions For Approval |
All Conditions of Approval have been met. |
Corrective Action |
N/A |
2025-02-07 - Release-11